Our mission is to promote wellness for dancers, educate the community on the benefits of movement for physical and mental health, and create works that spark thoughtful engagement.



Founder and Executive Director Anna Cerveny is a Dance Rehabilitative Physical Therapist and a passionate advocate for the health benefits of lifelong movement. She noticed that there was a need in the community for a company of dancers to inspire, educate, and support adults in injury prevention and teach ways to integrate movement into daily life. To fulfill that need, CDP Company was born in 2019 as a 501c3 to serve adult dancers and non-dancers alike. CDP Company is the only dance and wellness company in the area directed by a healthcare professional.


We envision a world where joyful movement is accessible to all and integrated into every day routines for optimal mental and physical health.

We believe in a culture of dance that prioritizes dancers’ physical and mental health for career longevity.


  • Quality Programming: providing education developed by experts in dance, health, and wellness to the community, especially underserved populations. We consistently strive for innovative new ideas and programming to relate to our community.

  • Community Connection: creating meaningful experiences, encouraging discussion on the highs and lows of the human experience, and enhancing lives through movement. Offering opportunities to other artists to uplift dance in the community together and help each other thrive.

  • Equity & Inclusion: bringing dance and wellness experiences to people of all backgrounds, with love and acceptance for all.

  • Life-Long Movement: encouraging dancers and non-dancers alike, to incorporate daily movement for improved quality of life, throughout their lifespan.